Perseverance Meaning in Urdu is استقلال, as written in Urdu and Istiqlal, as written in Roman Urdu.
Other Perseverance Urdu Meanings are SaabitQadmi and MustaqilMizaji.
According to our definition, Perseverance stands for ‘the act of persevering or persistence in anything undertaken.
’ We have listed 3-4 comprehensive definitions.
Perseverance is a noun according to the parts of speech.
It should be accurately pronounced as [pur-suh-veer-uh ns].
Perseverance originated from Middle English and from Old French.
It is from Latin word ‘perseverantia’, from perseverant- ‘abiding by strictly’ and from the verb ‘perseverare.
’ You can also check Persevere Meaning In Urdu in order to understand better.
The synonyms of Perseverance are Backbone, Constancy, Continuance, Cool, Dedication, Determination, Doggedness, Drive, Endurance, Grit, Guts, Immovability, Indefatigability, Moxie, Persistence, Pertinacity, Pluck, Resolution, Sedulity, Spunk, Stamina, Steadfastness, Tenacity, Purposefulness, Pursuance and Prolonging.
The antonyms of Perseverance are Apathy, Cowardice, Idleness, Indifference, Indolence, Irresolution, Laziness, Lethargy and Weakness.
Find more English to Urdu Meanings on Urdupoint’s Online English to Urdu Dictionary.